Tech IndustryJun 26, 2020

Honda Motor Joins Boycott Against Facebook

Joins Unilever and Verizon FB -7%

PLAYSTUDIOS tomcat14 Jun 26, 2020

Curious to know how it affects FB revenue in long term. Seems like tiktok is crushing Instagram and fb in other areas.

Thumbtack bgse43 Jun 26, 2020

Tiktok is used mostly by teens. Not much revenue goes there. 25-45 yrs segment is where the action is at

Gaou64 Jun 26, 2020

You realize teens (and young adults) will soon be 25, right?

jsjeicmw Jun 26, 2020

Why boycott Facebook? What did they do now?

Samsara fart1 Jun 26, 2020

Basically because they do nothing to combat misinformation and hate speech. It’s not a coincidence that everyone’s boomer grandparents get their conspiracy theories from Facebook

Gaou64 Jun 26, 2020

FB/Zuck is acting like PoS allowing free hate speech. Apparently he doesn't take shit from investors (bc >50% voting rights) nor employees (bc TC/pip boy). Now BigCo is pulling funding (e.g. Just Unilever is withholding $40MM+ annually) which is essentially PIPing Zuckerberg and this android is about to go mental and/or start censoring the orange.

Facebook exceedsman Jun 26, 2020

I can confidently say I’ve never seen ads from these companies in my feed lol.

Amazon 007. OP Jun 27, 2020

Doesn't mean they don't spend millions with you which will now be cut.

Facebook exceedsman Jun 27, 2020

“Laughs in billions”

Amazon 007. OP Jun 27, 2020

Coca-Cola, Levis, dockers also boycotting now