Defense to SpaceX?

This is probably the wrong time to post this given that Tesla is in shambles, but here goes Thinking about this since I want to break into software work at a big tech - I know SpaceX is a lot more intense and isn't a big pay bump, but it probably looks a lot better on a resume than my current company does. I've talked to people who have gone straight from defense to big tech, but it's not easy.... #SpaceX #BlueOrigin

247sarcasm Apr 17

Maybe, but I’m interested in a big defense contractor if they’ll let me stay remote :)

Northrop Grumman carti_fan OP Apr 17

Not too likely, at least at a prime like mines They are pushing for full time RTO in Space sector here which just had a lot of layoffs

Investment Bank Glinda Apr 17

My spouse works for a DoD contractor - fully remote with a 4x10 schedule and zero stress.

Raytheon ImKs37 Apr 17

Sure. But NG is just as respectable!! Why are you looking to switch to SpaceX? I have a friend who works there now after RTX & they’ve shared employees are worked down to the bone. That it’s likely the hardest job they’ve ever had & the WLB went out the window - but it’s rewarding. So… a few things to consider.

Northrop Grumman carti_fan OP Apr 17

I want out of defense and am looking at anything and everything for software. Even TikTok

Northrop Grumman iyTC77 Apr 17

OP are you me? Same...

Microsoft maxray Apr 17

You can go to Amazon or Microsoft from defense (I worked at both). Great pay. I have open reqs if you want to dm me and you have a polygraph. Google does cleared work too but I’m not sure how their hiring works for it.

Northrop Grumman carti_fan OP Apr 17

DMed, although I don't think I'm eligible with my current clearance

NASA push4mils Apr 17

Im interested

Qualcomm fhXO47 Apr 17

Some tech companies do have government contracts that require engineers. Microsoft, Amazon, Qualcomm, Google are a few that come to mind. If you are already cleared this can give you a leg up during hiring. Feel free to message me if you're interested in Qualcomm.

Northrop Grumman carti_fan OP Apr 17

Thanks, DMed

Microsoft maxray Apr 18

How’s qual pay compared to MS and AWS for cleared work?