Tech IndustryAug 18, 2018

Do companies hire recent grads for new grad positions?

So I graduated back in May this year, and I'm looking for full-time jobs. I've an onsite with google coming up, but was thinking If any other companies(like uber, lyft, airbnb) hire recent grads for new grad positions. DO they require you to graduate the next year? Thanks!

Microsoft Gfsvdg Aug 18, 2018

At Microsoft and many others, up to 1 year after graduation is still considered new grad.

mbappe! Aug 18, 2018

Yes this is standard across most companies!

FutureEngine QHXW24 Aug 18, 2018

Plenty of people take time off after school so you should be fine interviewing as a new grad

Intel nononsense Aug 18, 2018

You are a new grad

IBM 208000 Aug 18, 2018

Companies can hire people with some experience for their new positions too. I don't think it's a hard requirement but rather a colloquial term in many cases.