Tech IndustryMar 5, 2023

Do people use Reddit for career/tech analysis?

The only time I use Reddit is for a few very specific topics I follow. I saw something recently that others use it for tech & career related info. Which channels do you follow for this? Curious on what I’m missing. Thanks for suggestions.

Compass since18 Mar 5, 2023

I used to post on Reddit on places like cscareeradvise but it got overrun by nonsense and it's just easier not to post. Like I'd see a question I have a good idea about the answer to but it's flooded with incorrect or uninformed comments and going through and correcting them rarely was worth the time or effort. Plus it also meant I wasn't getting anything out of Reddit, other than frustrated by misinformation. So why hang around? Hackernews, Lobsters, and even Twitter are much better places where informed people at least hang out. Not every reply is great obviously but at least there are knowledgeable people in the audience who can provide real perspectives on topics, I haven't found that to be the case on Reddit.

Meta &9291: OP Mar 5, 2023

Thanks for this helpful answer

Reddit ellina Mar 5, 2023

/r/ExperiencedDevs is much better than CSCQ