Tech IndustryJan 16, 2019

Do we need to sit in the front seat when taking Scoop as a courtesy?

Or only when they are our colleagues, or else?

Tesla t3$l@ Jan 16, 2019

Always. They are not Uber drivers and don't get paid as such. I have been a passenger and driver for scoop and I can tell you, only the passenger is doing this to save money. If drivers needed that money they can drive an Uber and make more

Microsoft temp_ Jan 16, 2019

Exactly. I drive for scoop most of the time, and it has never been for money. Most of the time it has been to get into the HOV Lane for me.

Amazon sillysea Jan 16, 2019

Agree! I drive for scoop for carpool purposes only. Scoop’s algorithm is so terrible at times that I’ve been cancelling 40% of my matches because they’re so out of the way.

Facebook wolverine2 Jan 16, 2019

Because we are not über drivers. We like to talk to the people we pick up and make contacts.

Gigamon changemeno Jan 16, 2019

Always.. you should not even be asking this... grow up..