Tech IndustryNov 30, 2019

Does Amazon open doors?

I recently started at Amazon thinking all the Blind posters were trolls; which company would make you set up your own desk and work until 8pm? which company would have managers who talk politics for hours on day and assign impossible work? I made the mistake of turning down offers which I feel would have had healthier work environments. Is it worth jumping over hoops at Amazon to try to survive a year for resume? or should I go back and take another offer? tc: 180k

E*Trade cbEV72 Nov 30, 2019

Don’t hop. If you can’t grow at amzn then it’s you.

aJMl84 OP Nov 30, 2019

Thank you, I should just rise up to the challenge

Amazon opWH45 Nov 30, 2019

I don’t think that is correct. I had a miserable life at my first team in Amazon. Usually bad teams have trouble hiring internal candidates which is why they go outside (not every case but usually). Then I moved to my current team and I have enjoyed the quality of the projects, the 3 managers I have been reporting to, and team members. Some Miserable people are out there trying to destroy others. Don’t let’s this happen to you. Make sure you set your boundaries and try to find ways in which you can be more efficient at work so you don’t stay until late. Also another thing is that the bar in amazon is not standard. In my current team I’m a TT. In my last team that was def not the case.

Slalom Consulting StankyFeet Nov 30, 2019

“Survive a year” lmao. No one gets PIP’d under a year at amazon unless they genuinely suck.

Amazon iA71wc Nov 30, 2019

Sweet summer child

Amazon OTdS88 Nov 30, 2019

Clearly never worked there. Some managers hire people just as sacrifices to meet their unregretted attrition targets

Amazon OTdS88 Nov 30, 2019

Having amazon on my resume has made it easier to get interviews, but that’s about it. I get hit up by recruiters on linkedin a lot more too. I learned some things, overall I think it was worth it to stick it out, but definitely not for more than a few years