Does MBB hire Partners from other Consulting Firms?

Currently an Associate Partner at IBM, looking to understand potential exit opps and MBB would be amazing but I’ve heard they usually don’t hire externally at the Partner Level. Is that true? If not, anyone have recommendations on how to approach without having to start from Associate/Consultant level? I don’t have an MBA. Open to starting at Engagement Manager level if comp aligns. TC: $250-300k YoE: 7

F5 Networks rough222 Dec 13, 2022

Are you…implying that IBM consulting is close to strategy consulting like MBB? This is going to be a tough road bro. Partner at MBB from IBM without some type of celebrity factor (big name expert, former CEO, etc) is going to be a gigantic leap. You should consider Engagement Manager at best and that’s a big if that is going to require connections

Bain & Company dv3hb Dec 13, 2022

We do hire APs externally (and sometimes Ps but that’s pretty rare). It also depends a lot on what area of consulting you do. I’m not super familiar with IBM consulting so not sure what the overlap would be.

Google rj382 Dec 14, 2022

Specialist partner trek can be another way to get in. If you are gunning for M, geographic move to less competitive office such as ME, SEA can be another option. After a few years, you can move to the region of your first choice.