Does a downgrade in “prestige” look bad on a resume?

Just passed my 2 year mark at Amazon but it has been unbearable. Worst burn out of my life and I am thinking of jumping ship to a chill company to recover. I don’t personally care about company prestige but from working at AZ I can see that it does help me get interviews/interest from more companies. If I jump ship to a company that’s a tier below Amazon in prestige, like a bank, would this look bad on a resume down the line? Conveying that I couldn’t make it at Amazon. Or erase the benefit of Amazon on my resume? Also this isn’t to shit on banks at all, I am seriously considering applying to some, but it is true they will carry less resume weight than a FAANG. Have interviewed with some FAANG too but market is competitive and I’m not a solid interviewer plus have little time or peace of mind to prepare due to the nature of AMZ work. TC 180k yoe 5

Amazon bdbui$2 Apr 1

No one will care

AMD oBPd34 Apr 1

You do you. Your wellbeing is more important than perceived prestige.

Thoughtworks pingpin Apr 1

If you happen to get >+2 level in designation, it is easily justifiable why you moved. Eg: Senior to AVP/VP in Banks. Secondly, 2 years is a decent stint, not like you bailed out after 3 months. So, nothing to worry about. If you can retain or better your TC, then it is so much better for the long term. Ps: Please check culture and WLB in the target bank, Some banks are worse in both terms.

bored_one Apr 1

I second the PS disclaimer for sure! I've worked at a small local bank and interviewed at several national banks and I would never go back to that culture again. The culture was very, very old school, no processes and very disorganized, their systems were archaic and the wlb was not worth the salary. Some banks do pay well but you make up for it with the wlb. Of any fintech, I'd probably look at maybe a hedgefund type company.

bored_one Apr 1

Sorry to hear about your burnout, that seems to be a theme with Amazon employees but at least you are seeing that you are burned out and ready for a change. Any company in your resume will not look bad. Your resume should highlight your skill set and achievements and the company prestige carries little weight. You should, however, be able to make your resume shine with your experience working at Amazon. Good luck!

Amazon jdjsjsksks Apr 1

I don’t think it’ll affect you as much as you’d think, especially since you’ve already done 2 years at AMZN. Prioritize mental health.

Amazon poor L5 Apr 1

Amazon is not a highly regarded employer anyways. Mostly an Indian body shop. Everyone I go to the office I feel like I’m in a call center

Amazon rainink Apr 1

Prestige don’t pay bills

Google Ghkklhse Apr 1

No one gives a shit. Maybe once upon a time there was 'prestige' in companies like Amazon. Nowadays pretty much anyone can get in - there are SO many jobs at large tech companies. There is nothing elite or prestigious about it.

Google oqsx60 Apr 1

FAANGs carry less weight on a resume than you think