Does hosting projects and sharing live project links matter?

I have been actively applying for summer internships recently but haven't had much luck. The only strategy that comes to mind to enhance my chances is to publish the projects I've worked on( publishing on Play-store and hosting my websites) and writing about that on Linkedin. Would this significantly improve my chances of getting an interview? Do recruiters even bother to go through the project, or should I focus more on practicing coding (such as on LeetCode) and applying to a larger number of internships? Also sharing my resume for more context: #tech #faang #maang #google #microsoft #meta #apple #amazon #lyft #walmart #airbnb #netflix #oracle #nvidia #ibm #adobe

Veeva wlOV28 Jan 11

Want to know. +1

Adobe chatgptee Jan 11

Big companies filter by college, gpa and the personal projects Small and Midsized may look at your projects. Search Hiring Managers on LinkedIn and start cold emailing them

SAP Astr0Pilot Feb 26

DM for SAP and anyone else for a referral!