Misc.Jan 19, 2020

Driver/Car owners of Blind, why haven’t you changed your oil yet?

Besides EV driver/owners, why havent you changed your car’s oil yet? I am shocked by how poorly most tech workers treats their vehicles despite being an “engineer”. Is it that hard to know basic car maintenance? TC:140K YOE: 1

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Apple 2.70|10:1 Jan 19, 2020

What a dumb post Blocked

roboengr OP Jan 19, 2020

Ok boomer

Apple fruitco334 Jan 19, 2020

What a twat

Roku MaIeficent Jan 19, 2020

Cuz I have auto draining car. It leaks all the oil in a month and I just fill it up again. Why do u ask?

roboengr OP Jan 19, 2020

Your driveway must be pretty

Roku MaIeficent Jan 19, 2020

Park infront of neighbor's house.

Amazon p❌ Jan 19, 2020

Walmart 🤑or🤮 Jan 19, 2020

It warned 15 days before my 3 week vacation. Just punted it further. Moreover the warning has nothing to do with quality of oil. It is a static measure that goes from 100% to 0% in 6000 miles. I drove 500 miles with apparently used up oil. Still got a marginal difference in fuel efficiency

eBay lax1Tew Jan 19, 2020

Keep driving.. you might not need to fuel it either

roboengr OP Jan 19, 2020

Makes sense, a lot of the oil life reading is a function of miles and driving cycles.

Apple gPTe27 Jan 19, 2020

I lost an engine for not being an engineer. I was sad but moved on to other things ...

Facebook E-11 Jan 19, 2020

FB offers onsite mechanic so no issues here

Roku MaIeficent Jan 19, 2020

Is this for reals?

roboengr OP Jan 19, 2020

Is that new? Only have heard of free bicycle repairs, not automotive.

Boeing chodia Jan 19, 2020

It’s been raining every day since before 2020 in Seattle... I’m over my interval but within range of “ehh that’s a bit too long”.

LinkedIn CamelCat Jan 19, 2020

Because I don't like crawling under it and disposing of old oil properly. I make enough to pay a mechanic to do this

roboengr OP Jan 19, 2020

So, have you done it yet?

Oracle 8qg1A Jan 20, 2020

10k miles is a ways out. The 5k to 7.5k is just marketing.

roboengr OP Jan 20, 2020

Really depends on vehicle. Older cars should follow the 5k or 7.5k cycle. Newer cars can easily go for 10k cycles especially hybrids(engine not on all the time)

Google GfTq22 Jan 20, 2020

Depends on the engine. My Lexus is350 hates going over 5000 miles, engine literally starts making weird noises.

roboengr OP Jan 20, 2020

Same for my last Honda. Engine has more vibrations when I’m late in my oil cycle