Jobs & ReferralsOct 19, 2022

Looking for DevOps Strava, Peloton or WHOOP Referrals

I recently left my job at Motorola Solutions as a Test Engineer to pursue new career opportunities. I am truly passionate about fit tech because of how it has helped me turn my life around. I was overweight and lacked confidence just a few years ago but with the help of fit tech I was able to lose 50 pounds over the course of two years and recently ran my first marathon. It is truly a dream of mine to work in fit tech and would appreciate any referrals. I am currently working on obtaining my AWS DevOps Professional certificate and should be ready for the exam within a week or two. I am willing to acquire the skills necessary to break into the world of fitness tech. #referral

Wahoo Fitness frofred Oct 26, 2022

This is probably not the time to be looking at fitness technology companies

Motorola pe4nutcomp OP Oct 27, 2022

Why not? I'm super into fitness because of what it's been able to do for my life and career but I'm curious to hear your response.

Walmart Xqxg33 Oct 30, 2022

Hey Motorola, can I get a referral? I found a position I’m interested in. Please dm