Entry Level Software Engineer or Senior TPM (NYC)

I have been working hard on a career transition from TPM in HW to SWE. Last month I completed my interview loop with Amazon, Bloomberg, and Google. Amazon: First in the queue, blanked on one of the 3 problems, solved other 2. Demonstrated strong LP. Rejected Bloomberg: Second in queue. Solved both problems. Optimal solution for one was reached with hints, but I broke down all approaches and complexities eventually getting the right answer. Was feeling good about this one. Rejected. Google: Last in queue. Solved 3/4 problems. Last one really messed me up because I didn’t study union find and low and behold…of course it is a union find question. Rejected. Now I’m in the cooldown period for all 3 of these companies and don’t have any other interviews lined up. Recently I got a promotion as TPM, but salary is not fair market rate for TPMs with experience. Is also less than all entry level SWE positions I interviewed for. At this stage I’m a bit desperate to just leave to get higher TC. I know my worth and I can’t stand making less than what I feel like I’m capable. I spent so much time studying to be a SWE and I really do like it. My plans were to transition from a SWE to eventually SW TPM or Eng manager as I like coordinating and working with others, but at the same time I want to be more technical in the immediate future of my career. Based on my current dilemma I’m questioning the continued grind of aiming at a SWE job when I can get a great TPM job. I’m under 30, but am aiming at the next stage of my life so extra money does help, but at the same time I want the flexibility and TC that will come with the SWE route although I will be starting from scratch. To persevere and complete my mission at a career change? Or just get a lofty TPM job immediately. Oh also I’m due for a bonus EOY so staying a bit longer at my current job and transitioning to SWE later in the year (target: Amazon) might be the move that makes the most sense. TC: 130 HCOL YOE: 5

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Verana Health ePsw75 Aug 7, 2022

Maybe try interviewing at tier 3/4 companies as a stepping stone? No idea how you got Amazon and Google interviews with 0 SWE experience

ZT Systems 👁 m🐐 OP Aug 7, 2022

I forgot to mention I also did a software eng boot camp, but since I was interviewing for entry level roles I’m not sure what level of experience you are expecting someone to have.

Capital One terz Aug 7, 2022

FAANG type companies usually only interview fresh cs grads with internship experience for lvl 3 spots. After lvl 3 it's basically some mixture of years of experience at decent companies with a degree counting as probably 1 year of experience extra.

Goldman Sachs bl00dy9 Aug 7, 2022

Something is wrong. By your description you should have gotten bloomberg and google offer.

ZT Systems 👁 m🐐 OP Aug 7, 2022

The Bloomberg one surprised me. I was feeling really good about it. Google floored me on the last one tbh. Did not feel good about it.

Goldman Sachs GoldenShat Aug 7, 2022

You can apply again in Bloomberg. They don’t have a cooldown. Correct me if I am wrong

Amazon u6B45H Aug 7, 2022

Try interviewing with amazon for a senior tpm in software. From there you can slide into SDM lol