Epic MyChart Analyst Salary VS Hourly

I currently work as a MyChart consultant with 5+ years of experience. Currently getting around $80/hr depending on the contract. I recently got offered a full-time position at my client. I know there is a pay cut associated with the switch to full-time but I am willing to take it for the benefits (I basically have none currently) if the drop in pay is not huge. I looked on the following and found these numbers for the average MyChart FTE salary. Zip recruiter: 130k (general epic analyst) :70k-139k (mychart) 101k (mychart) My manager mentioned the position was a level 3 analyst and said they have some room to negotiate but consultant number are usually larger. Can anyone help me figure out if these numbers are accurate and what would be a good range to ask for? #salarynegotiation #healthcare #

kRGG16 Dec 6, 2022

Is this position in a lcol or hcol city/area? For context nyc salary is 135-140 for level 3 or senior and in Philly level 3 offer was 120

VPHIT80 OP Dec 7, 2022

This is for a high cost of living area in north NJ/NYC