Evaluating current compensation at Capital One

Hello Blind community, I am trying to evaluate my current compensation at C1. I have been with the company for over 2 years, and have 10+ years of experience in Data Engineering. My current title is Manager and location is Boston. My base is 150k + bonus that depends on performance (strong performance ~ 13k). I am considering living the company because I don't feel it is a fair pay for the experience and role. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you #engineering #software #swe #capitalone #dataengineer

USAA CTol75 Mar 31, 2021

I have half your YOE @$120k in the same industry. I’d say underpaid

Standard Chartered Bank jnj Mar 31, 2021

Severely low-balled

Facebook paiKa312 Mar 31, 2021

Capital One is a place where you can generally do your job in 10-20 hours a week and get pretty good ratings. So if youre not maximizing for low hours ok pay, you are gonna be underpaid. You can probably join a higher paying company, but note that a lot of companies will likely have much harsher WLB than what you have at C1. So see what an extra 100k a year is worth to you, since manager at C1 would map to like IC5 at FB.

Capital One OYmW66 OP Apr 1, 2021

gosh it sounds like I am not in a good place ...period... my week composed of 80 hours...most of the time