PoliticsNov 23, 2019

Everyone knows India is a undeveloped nation and has 100s of problems, let's talk about solutions

Indians as well as non Indians know that India is still under development since years. In many social circles, it's a very common to here India is not going to anywhere, nothing can be done about India. Many also know about 100s of problems India has. We have spent hours talking shit about India, let's stop and think about the solutions. Focus on the solutions. It's valuable to know about the problems. However, it's worthwhile to put our collective intelligence to see what the solutions are. We blame government for so many things but none of us are going to be into government. So instead of relying on the government to do something, let's think creatively to see how Technology can help and avoid any interference by the government. I'm sure there are excellent and talented people here who indeed have great ideas or small steps that they think are going to help. Let's focus on those, talk about those and share those. It's is who are going to make the change possible if at all. Take an oath that whenever you think of some problem in India, you will also think of something that YOU can do about it, some solution to the problem. Let's incorporate this positive habit within us and few of us would give the shiny future to India soon. Thanks for reading. Use intelligence to think about solutions too instead of stopping at the problem.

64 Participants
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Cisco dolemite69 Nov 23, 2019

Step one is eliminating the corruption and nepotism.

tc400k Nov 23, 2019

India has too many people and too little money for widespread welfare. If there was a way to better leverage the population to increase technology exports (besides just cheap labor), the money flowing into the economy could begin to hydrate all of the levels of society that resort to corruption or hard living to sustain themselves.

tc400k Nov 23, 2019

India has a massive knowledge worker labor force that’s being wholesaled around the world for pennies. If that workforce was leveraged to build technologies that could then be sold to the world, India would capture some of the massive upstream value that its international counterparts are profiting on.

Roku de Vil Nov 23, 2019

Yes India needs to stop losing talent to other countries.

Microsoft NyjvyhypoW Nov 23, 2019

I saw the Bill Gates documentary on Netflix and I liked his solution for clean water and portable electricity that is being trialed in Africa. Maybe pilot that in India

Intel dingbat99 Nov 23, 2019

Bill gates doing great job in India making hygienic toilets. Thanks to Bill.

Amazon saiyan_87 Nov 23, 2019

How drunk is OP on a friday night ? Limitless !

Uber CyberTruck Nov 23, 2019

20+years ago when I was in school in India, we use to have a joke: Bill gates comes to India and says give me India for 5 years and I will make into America and to that our uneducated Indian minister would say, give me America for 5 months and I will turn it into India.. Indians are unwilling to accept laws, rules and regulations.. for them following it is an embarrassment but hey when these desi people land in American they start following laws and regulations because they know else their ass would be whipped... The pm and celebrities can only do so much awareness as most of people in India don’t care about anything and current AQI In most of the major metropolitan cities is testimonial for that.. Had Indians controlled population at right time, everyone would have decent opportunities but since every ones wants to have 3-4 kids.. Good luck..

Intel dingbat99 Nov 23, 2019

Don't forget Caste system and racism!!

Amazon mopfloor Dec 12, 2019

Lol...Indians don’t follow laws here either. The other day saw a bunch of Indians in a car, 3 women in the back, holding their babies on their laps, while they were driving on I-95 at 80 mph like rules about car seats are just for the dumb people.

Dell LUHV04 Nov 23, 2019

There are way more problems in India than what the media talks about. Example - do people know that in Mumbai housing societies are heavily segregated based on caste , eating habits and religion ? If you eat meat , you won’t get a house in xyz locality. Things like this aren’t going to change. Eventually I see India fading away and become like Brazil / South Africa etc. , a country that’s just there , has problems , and continues to exist

Intel dingbat99 Nov 23, 2019

India 3rd largest beef exporter, but still people get beaten to death for eating meat. No rule of Law, no respect to minorities and low caste.

Dell LUHV04 Nov 23, 2019

Even conservative folks will openly talk about killing other minorities openly It’s sheep walking behind sheep People get manipulated too easily

Microsoft TPowah! Nov 23, 2019

Step 1- Sack Modi (The butcher of Godhra). Step 2 - Hang Amit Shah (The Mastermind behind the butcher) Step 3 - Vote a secular government back to power and restore the ideals of the Father of the Nation. None will happen, hence India is fucked and is positioned to become an amalgamation of Burma, Venezuela and Zimbabwe in 30-50 years.🖖🏻

Amazon 🍌 Nov 23, 2019


XoAY48 Nov 23, 2019

India tried secularism. Lost land and got way too many more people in without any gain of land. I agree modi is not working either. What about China model. Create one race (Han Indians like Han Chinese. That Han Chinese thing is relatively new , no historic country will have such uniformity unless created artificially. ). China model is basically kill all differences by force (no religion of any kind no caste no ethnicity. It’s all be just Han Indians.) China seems to be working

Nokia scre Nov 23, 2019

One child policy.. we need that now. We are overly populated causing strain on all social-economy system.

Microsoft Stgwyr Nov 23, 2019

And how did it go for China?

Quora WalU80 Nov 24, 2019

Current policy is two child policy but still Government is regretting now. Chinese population will drop soon

cockball Nov 23, 2019

China atleast did something for their population control. What are we doing?

surfers Nov 23, 2019

We can’t because we are a secular nation. Just go to the old city part of Hyderabad. Certain sections of minorities have 10 kids and government won’t say a thing because we need their votes

cockball Nov 23, 2019

One thing ive noticed is barely any nri votes. Not even the people in india i know vote. Seems like only the uneducated people take part in elections voting for their uneducated politicians.

Roku de Vil Nov 23, 2019

Seems like too much old culture controls India (caste system, arranged marriages, lack of rule of law, the list goes on). India needs to stop living 1000 years ago and start using it's talent to build India up.