
Expedia Advanced Data Insight Analyst 2 OA with Partner Marketing Team

Hi Blind Fam, Looking for some guidance on what to expect in the hirevue assessment.#interview #data#datascience

slashlan Jul 22, 2021

In my case the Hirevue Assessment included 3 video “technical” questions on the preprocessing steps I undertake to ensure I have quality data for analysis and about market analysis (where I have explicitly answered saying I didn’t know anything cause I don’t have that background). These questions are time restricted but you have 2 tentatives to record an answer and pick the one you prefer. There are then multiple choices questions about statistical and machine learning techniques (e.g., if you want to discover this from a certain situation, which methodology you choose). Finally, you have 2-3 SQL code questions, then one open question where you have to interpret some charts and give an explanation of certain market trends, and one last one where you have to interpret the results of a regression model. I thought I didn’t do very well after taking it (especially in the video questions) but I actually managed to progress to the next steps. Spend all the time you need on the open questions, there’s no time restriction on them.

RzSc82 OP Jul 22, 2021

Thanks for sharing ☺️

IHS Markit user-mkp Apr 2, 2022

If you could elaborate a bit more on the topics and type of machine learning or statistical questions that were there.