Expedia SDE 1 vs Zoom devops engineer

friend wanted to post here from ca Expedia 140K total in chicago, il Zoom 140K total in san jose, ca #engineering #software #swe #devops #newgrad #expedia #zoom friend is leaning towards expedia since it's sde and heard of bad reviews of zoom wlb (devops) also friend cares more about career than location even though wants to live in california tc 0

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Amazon ouchhh Jun 22, 2021

There is a world of difference between 140K in Chicago and 140K in San Jose. If your friend can handle the winters Chicago is a great city

ByteDance jjampak OP Jun 22, 2021

how about besides location? it doesn't matter to them

Amazon ouchhh Jun 22, 2021

Definitely still Expedia. 140K in Chicago is a lot of money and from what you said in your post it sounds like a great development opportunity. I don’t have any personal knowledge of either company

Motorola DSFA Jun 22, 2021

Expedia because of Chicago. You will save a lot with 140k.

ByteDance jjampak OP Jun 22, 2021

how about besides location? it doesn't matter to them