Jobs & ReferralsJul 16, 2020

Experienced in Camera domain, looking to switch in similar/Computer Vision domain

Hi, as the title says it all. I am an experience senior engineer with 3 years of work experience in Camera Systems and Solutions at Samsung (Mobile Division). I am looking to switch to other company, preferably in some big tech but unable to do so as it is hard to find these roles without Master's/PhD. I am highly interested in Computer Vision roles. Would love to be in facebook AR/VR, but I am not able to get a referral for that. If anyone is aware of any relevant roles, please let me know. Also, any feedback relevant to my situation is welcome! Thanks! #computervision #referral

Standard Cognition mAoH77 Jul 16, 2020

Would you be interested in standard cognition? Great company, with lots of perception problems.

Samsung cdvk OP Jul 16, 2020

Hey, if I am getting to work on computer vision problems, I'll be highly interested. And that too in such a young company!! I'll surely contribute a lot and learn tons too! But one problem I see is that this company is based in US and I am living in India. How would that work out?