Tech IndustryNov 22, 2020

FAANG Dallas

How is the FAANG presence in Dallas? I know some of them hire a fair bit in Austin but haven't heard much about Dallas.

Dell Jelly234 Nov 22, 2020

Confirming Austin getting some good hires. Not all teams for Facebook or Google, but a good assortment. Decent mix of teams for Apple and Amazon Austin is also more FAAG than FAANG. No Netflix here to my knowledge, barring a few random remote employees. As for Dallas, it’s an even smaller presence. I think Facebook has a data center team in Ft Worth, and random small regional sales types roles. If you want tech in Texas, it’s Austin or bust

Amazon 87wvhd36)3 Nov 22, 2020

Amazon has a major presence in Dallas. I’m on the Amazon Web Services side and based out of Dallas. There are a ton of Fortune 500 companies HQed in DFW area so that’s why we have a large presence here. More Fortune 500 companies in Dallas than Austin.

Citibank bfrt OP Nov 22, 2020

Thanks! Do you know how the number of Fortune 500 companies in Dallas compare with Houston?

Amazon 87wvhd36)3 Nov 22, 2020

Houston is oil country. Dallas is big business and Austin is Start Ups/Tech. Dallas has 24 and Houston has 19 Texas is very business friendly and no state income tax. That’s why you see companies like Tesla moving to Austin. Lots of tech companies like Austin because University of Texas has a pretty good Comp Science program to recruit from right in the city.