Tech IndustryMar 18, 2019

Onsite at StubHub

I have an onsite interview at stubhub next week, I don’t find any useful suggestion for Stubhub interview on glassdoor or geeks4geeks, i think they have some challenge exercise does anyone know what it is and what type of algo questions do they ask?

nexttoyou Jun 15, 2019

I also have an onsite interview at Stubhub. I am also wondering about challenge exercise. Can you give any hints on that

Cisco eHHN88 OP Jun 15, 2019

Don’t go for the interview, there process is most stupid process i have seen till now, they will give you one application like create an crud api for managing tickets and the guy will disappear for 2 hours, after 2 hours 5-6 people will sit in front of you and will grill you, you will try to answer one guy and the other guy will intervene, its horrible

nexttoyou Jun 15, 2019

Wow never thought it’s going to be like that. Thanks for the heads up