Tech IndustryMay 26, 2021

Facebook Application Status

Hello, I applied for a position at Facebook about 3 weeks ago and haven’t heard back. I saw a posting on LinkedIn originally and yesterday I saw the same job ad was re-posted. Does this mean I’m no longer being considered for the role? Should I re-apply for the same position using the new job ad? Is there any way I can follow up on the status? I don’t see any contact information and the only confirmation I received from Facebook was that “we will be in touch if we think you are fit.” Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

Athenahealth morning⭐ May 26, 2021

It means you were ghosted !

Intuit qtcheeks May 26, 2021

Applying through job portals is a crap shoot. It’s more of an apply and forget type of thing. If you’re really passionate about working at Facebook I would message a bunch of recruiters on LinkedIn and hope to get a message back.

Microsoft anon2202 May 26, 2021

I would just reach out to a recruiter directly with a hiring banner on LinkedIn

KPMG dreamer09 May 27, 2021

Actually the recruiter just got back to me! Thank you for insights