Facebook Data engineer interview

I have upcoming DE (product analytics) interview. What kind of technical/coding questions should I expect for this position? What are the skills fb looks for in a candidate? TOE: 5, 1+ as data engineer

Microsoft bhgyi6re Dec 19, 2020

What's your current TC?

Capital One OURg65 Dec 19, 2020

Product sense + SQL (medium/hard level) + ownership + easy/medium level python for ETL

Microsoft bhgyi6re Dec 19, 2020

How were the data modeling questions?

Capital One OURg65 Dec 20, 2020

Nothing too crazy. Identify dimensions. Maybe build a fact ... Decide granularity. Handle many to many ... As more analytical questions come up they expect u to build out the tables and columns.

Walmart Puiu38 Dec 20, 2020

What does product sense exactly means? Can you please elaborate more on that

Capital One OURg65 Dec 22, 2020

See how well you understand the goal of a product and whether u can think about the right metrics and KPIs depending on context. For e.g. growth metrics at inception stage.

Capital One OURg65 Dec 22, 2020

For IC interviews there are 3 coderpad tech rounds (DM, ETL and SQL) at onsite + 1 ownership behavioral.

Microsoft bhgyi6re Dec 22, 2020

This is for data engineer position?

Cognizant !bbb! Dec 23, 2020

Is it phone screen or onsite?

Cognizant miPf32 OP Dec 23, 2020

It's a phone screen

Cognizant !bbb! Dec 23, 2020

Ok. Refer to Glassdoor. It has good info.

Tata Consultancy Services PeDj28 Jan 15, 2021

Is your Interview done? Can you share your experience?

Wayfair wfhfor2020 Jan 23, 2021

What did you prep for coding rounds?

Viatris JustBliss Apr 12, 2021

Can u please share your interview experience?

PATH BneE54 Sep 5, 2021

an you please tell me how was your phone screen?