Facebook Parter engineering interview experience

A lot of people have reached out to me regarding the partner engineering role in the recent past as i gave the virtual onsite a couple of months back. So i thought may be i can post it which can help to other folks as well Basically for me i had one phone and 4 rounds in virtual onsite Phone screening: one was the direct leetcode tagged questions. Easy one. I dont remember the exact question. Another one was kind of evaluating postfix notation but not exact. It was something like if the input is 2 3 4 * then you have to calculate this as 2*3*4. I couldnt solve the second question completely. I told him the approach and i was halfway. The interviewer agreed that this approach will work. Virtual Onsite: 1st round -api design round : i tried to do a lot of research for this round by reaching out to a lot of people on blind or by just googling but I did not get much information about how and what to prepare. So basically, this interview is about how will you write an api, meaning how your url looks like, request headers, response. Things i mentioned in this round was versioning in the urls, proper way of writing the url for ex: v1/view_books, pagination, authorization in the request(OAuth). Question for me was design facebook learning like we have linkedin learning. I kind of thought how educative.io(grokking) website looks like and worked on it. Three api’s were asked. View_course, enroll_course and whats the progress of yours in those courses. Interviewer also asked about the db schema but her more focus was on api designing first. She was very interactive throughout the interview. 2nd round coding question: it was a simple leetcode question merge intervals. I dont know why but i screwed up this one. Even after knowing and solving this question number of times before, my mind did not work. 3rd round cross functional: since i screwed up the last round badly. I couldn’t focus on this round. I dont remember questions from this one but it was more of how do you interact with people outside of your team and all 4th round manager round: it was purely behavioral round. I prepared behavioral questions for amazon leadership principles and that i felt is sufficient to crack this one I couldnt clear the onsite ( as expected) and the recruiter gave me the feedback indirectly that design and manager round went well I hope this post will help the future interviewers. I tried to mention everything i can, as i have given the onsite a couple of months back

t15 Jun 7, 2021

This is really useful, thanks for posting. I have api design one soon, hard to find guidance on what's expected. Just find loads of system design info!