Tech IndustryJun 13, 2018

Facebook Product Manager Interview Reject

Had 2 video interviews with Facebook Product Managers couple of days ago and recruiter reached out saying they have decided to go with other candidates who have stronger experience that match their requirements closely. I honestly thought I had done well in the interviews. I was feeling really good about it and one of the interviewer even told me that the interview was great. Recruiter told me to apply again and that they will keep my resume on record for future needs. I definitely do not have any FANG experience and have mainly worked in tech roles in Entertainment industry in Los Angeles. I am sure when you are applying to companies like Facebook, you are competing with people from FANG and that makes me less attractive to companies like FB No, I am not chasing FANG prestige or high TC. I just want to constantly learn and improve my skills. What should I do to elevate my professional career? How can I work on products that have a huge impact? What should be my take away from this interview rejection? Welcome any concrete feedback/ideas. Thank you!

Twitch Kk@;$086gs Jun 13, 2018

Same experience. Just focused on being as authentic as possible and gave it my best. Since it didnt work out, I just couch it as wasn’t right fit for the role.

Micro Focus bFWq68 Jun 13, 2018

Same experience for me at FB too

CA Technologies NotATroll Jun 13, 2018

Read the following: - Cracking the PM interview - Swipe to Unlock - Decode and Conquer Reading those should help you nail the product sense and somewhat the execution. Execution is tricky but it’s based on identifying root cause of a problem using the customer journey flow...think about the steps needed to get to that point? What does the X outage actually mean? Weekly/Monthly? Does this happen on all platforms? Persona?

Fullscreen yoyohmm OP Jun 13, 2018

Read all of these materials. I feel good with answering questions using CIRCLES and STAR framework. I feel comfortable answering metrics and diagnosing questions as well. I put in lot of efforts to practice lot of questions to be honest.

CA Technologies WeRlost Jun 13, 2018

This explains a lot about the dumpster fire that is our products right now. Not directed at you OP.

eePO47 Jun 13, 2018

Did you do mock interviews to practice design and execution cases?

Amazon mango1 Jun 13, 2018

Can you tell us about what the interview was like?

Fullscreen yoyohmm OP Jun 13, 2018

Product Design question where they ask you questions like "Build a product for x". Second interview is about Product Execution which is more metrics driven. They could ask you questions like "How do you evaluate success of x. What metrics would you measure? They also tend to ask lot of follow up questions.

zakzak Jun 13, 2018

Same experience... Laughing and wowing throughout. 2 weeks later got a 2 line reject, no feedback, apply in 8-12months. Crap experience, especially with recruiter.

Fullscreen yoyohmm OP Jun 14, 2018

On the contrary, my experience was really good. Both interviewers and the recruiters were really good. Recruiter even followed up with me in a timely manner giving some high level feedback.

zakzak Jun 14, 2018

That's awesome... I read some good reviews, but was surprised to experience what I experienced.

DigitalOcean DRKc35 Jun 14, 2018

I struggled with not having the right experience for a while, but Facebook is one of the hardest companies to get into as a PM. Try a stint at a place smaller but with a good name, before going to interview at a bigger company.