Tech IndustryDec 14, 2019

Facebook Sponsored Applicant Hiring Process

A friend of a friend is sponsoring my application for a product specialist role at facebook. Could someone tell me how this impacts the hiring process? I've been in a rough spot lately career wise (manager became an addict, killing the business) so I really want this to work out. Can anyone tell me how to prepare?

Infosys BRY47 Dec 14, 2019

Not sure how to prepare for the role, but I do know one thing, keep applying and getting interviews until you get an offer, preferably multiple offers. Even if you end up accepting the FB position, more offers put you in a better position.

m349830 OP Dec 14, 2019

Let me ask you a slightly different question - How would you prepare for an interview?

Infosys BRY47 Dec 14, 2019

Since it’s not a swe position, the technicals are going to be less about LC and more related to your experience I suppose. Your behavioral will also count for a lot more, so have your story straight and down cut. Facebook is a very collaborative company, so anything that shows you work well with teammates will stand out to them.