Tech IndustryMar 12, 2020

Facebook or Uber hiring freeze?

Currently in the final rounds for these companies. Getting a little concerned about the situation. Can anybody from these companies speak to whether there will be a hiring freeze? I'm that scenario, what happens to candidates?

Salesforce ForcedFart Mar 12, 2020

Facebook will likely weather this and continue to hire. Uber might need to take a pause and re-access

Microsoft Hrgf72 Mar 12, 2020

I'm not sure even about Facebook. Which local businesses would want to advertise at the moment? Ads business is likely going to take a hit as well. I'm not saying they are cheap l gonna collapse, but the hiring freeze is also possible.

Facebook easzss Mar 12, 2020

Hrgf72 - how do you feel about google?

Microsoft šŸ‰ Dragon Mar 12, 2020

Tech companies will be more resilient than Travel, Restaurants, and Commodities (Oil).

Microsoft leav Mar 12, 2020

Thatā€™s true - this is a short term dip , some companies will take a long time to go back up - travel and tourism is close to dead

Salesforce mahomes Mar 19, 2020

Hey Microsoft, can I ask you for a favor? Would it be possible for you tell a Lead position that is advertised as whether L63 or L64?

Microsoft leav Mar 12, 2020

Uber will have issues for sure and even layoffs , fb will do fine- might slow down hiring but not stop, might get more selective .

Bell yFNQ45 OP Mar 12, 2020

Thanks for input guys. Typically for layoffs or hiring, which dpt are hit first? Curious for non technical. Marketing, sales, data science... Etc

Facebook 7shdbj Mar 12, 2020

FB plans to continue hiring. Zuck said in a QnA he might accelerate in downturn to scoop up talent and support local ecosystem.

Bell yFNQ45 OP Mar 12, 2020

Thanks for sharing. Should I expect any delayshiring process? Just finished onsite and HM round following it. Been 4 business days so far

Facebook 7shdbj Mar 12, 2020

Don't think so. I'm in the process of hiring a few and things are going as planned (except all interviews are now virtual).

Microsoft šŸ‰ Dragon Mar 12, 2020

I predict this will be a good time for FB, Valve, Apple and Microsoft. The pandemic is a great time to battle test remote working solutions and the viability of virtual reality to replace meeting in person when you physically cannot.

Microsoft leav Mar 12, 2020

Soon world will be in VR , we might actually be in such a state

SAP ksYR03 Mar 12, 2020

First no hiring freeze for FB. Know buds there. Secondly donā€™t join uber. Their revenue will fall more due to this Coronavirus and they already donā€™t make money. Would lay-off more

Bell yFNQ45 OP Mar 12, 2020

I see the ubereats business doing well in this landscape, no?

SAP ksYR03 Mar 12, 2020

No. Ubereats is a cash incinerator. In this scenario ppl would cool and eat home. Shit scared spending money with stocks crashing. Plus your food is brought by someone else. Risk of contact and infection is there

Uber doc_hudson Mar 12, 2020

Be wary of Uber... Management is not on solid footing

Microsoft šŸ‰ Dragon Mar 12, 2020

Uber is built on a foundation of sand. It works well in a good economy but in a recession, itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess.

Facebook šŸ˜ž stonks Mar 12, 2020

Does it even work well in a good economy? šŸ¤”

Uber EWro83 Mar 12, 2020

Stay away from Uber, DM me for any questions. Join Fb, solid balancesheet and good employee friendly policies!

Bell yFNQ45 OP Mar 12, 2020

I'm interviewing for a sales role in Chicago currently.. Should I proceed

Uber EWro83 Mar 12, 2020

DM me for questions please

Mx998r Mar 12, 2020

I just got a bonus round post onsite for Facebook. If there was a pending hiring freeze, I doubt Iā€™d have gotten a second chance