Tech IndustryNov 6, 2022
Goldman SachsHyperLand

Fake salary info on Levels FYI

I used to think Levels fyi as the most accurate salary info provider. But I just found out all the U.S. salary info for SWE in Goldman’s Levels page are wiped out and replaced with salary info in Bangalore. This only happened to SWE roles. I suspect someone manipulated this. Link: What’s happening in Levels? Are the salary info manipulatable by companies ?

Goldman Sachs Salaries |
Goldman Sachs Salaries |
Palantir bEqg11 Nov 6, 2022

You can still see individual salaries people have posted, even if aggregate data is messed up.

Goldman Sachs HyperLand OP Nov 6, 2022

Nope, the individual salary is also messed up! Click in and you’ll that all US data points disappear and replaced with Bangalore ones