Feeling inadequate and underpaid as an L3

Refresher was quite low. TC for 2024 is $230K at 2 YoE as L3 SWE. Seeing all these TPMs at Meta making $900K is making me sick. Your job is to literally manage a spreadsheet and follow up on bugs for features that you have no technical knowledge about. How do I deal with this feeling?

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Google glglglg Mar 23

How do I deal with this feeling? ^ Leetcode prep and join Meta ?

Google zingx Mar 23

230k is more than what A LOT of experienced SWEs make outside of Big Tech.

SoFi gehzbxvdg Mar 23

Lol only $230k with 2 YOE 😂 that’s so bad

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 23

What's yours?

SoFi gehzbxvdg Mar 23

$700k 5 YOE. I was making $230k mowing lawns in high school

Google EK76iu Mar 23

Don't listen to the people telling you your TC is not bad

Federal Aviation Administration J_Tech Mar 23

How's that

Cisco idomidom! Mar 23

At 2.5 yoe, you can't TPM anything.

Meta IEnt Mar 23

Go outside, touch grass. Happiness is not all about money. There are families earning less than you are doing totally fine (not in HCOL areas of course)

Google 🦸hero Mar 23

1) You spend too much time on Blind. So much time that you think making $700K is the norm. 2) With 2 YOE you think $230K is too low or basic. Not realizing that if you started job hunting, companies would laugh at the idea of matching that compensation. However, you can justify your feelings by getting a higher offer elsewhere. I’m sure Meta would interview you for L4 and give you a near $300K TC. You can do the math on taxes and decide whether the additional stress is worth it.