
Florida voter

I just became a citizen of the almighty USA. I will vote in Florida in November, the lord of all swing states. Who should I vote for and why? 🍿

Anduril arkenstone Feb 27

Florida is not a swing state, its solid red. The mother of all swing states is something like Pennsylvania.

whejw688 OP Feb 27

That’s true But why did you assume Pennsylvania’s gender?

Anduril arkenstone Feb 27

Cuz i was born in it.

LinkedIn hyrda134bk Feb 27

Vote for whoever is tough on immigration so your citizenship stays valuable.

whejw688 OP Feb 27

Us economy is stronger than ROW thanks to immigration. So the contrary

LinkedIn hyrda134bk Feb 27

False. If this was true immigrants would make their own economy better and not have to leave in the first place.

Amazon OSzH13 Feb 27

Voting is pointless, everyone is retarded, and the American experiment is at an end. But congrats on becoming a citizen of what is still the best country in the world. Weird times.

whejw688 OP Feb 27

sadly true but there is no alternative

LinkedIn hyrda134bk Feb 27

why can't all these immigrants coming here make an alternative instead of coming to America?

Meta chupbc Feb 27

Absolute garbage state , trailer trash heaven

whejw688 OP Feb 27

And yet Florida is #1 in domestic net migration.

Credit Karma UepE53 Feb 27

And the demographics of those moving there are?