Misc.Aug 28, 2023

Folks who used to chase prestige, what changed?

I rationally know prestige chasing is not sustainable but I'm finding it difficult to change my mindset and the unconscious biases I have. So much of my values and my motivation comes from this mindset. Part of me fears that once I lose this mindset, I'll be less motivated for promo or more TC and just coast. How do I find meaning and motivation?

Meta 🫡verse Aug 28, 2023

Burned out

Meta flattenіng Aug 28, 2023


Google 330k5yoe Aug 28, 2023

Got more prestige

NotFermat Aug 28, 2023

Checks out!

Meta me,u,zuck Aug 28, 2023

i met money and realized $ > prestige

Amazon bidenomic Aug 28, 2023

thats not true, I got 50% more TC than Google but hardly anyone think Amazon is prestigious

Apple pos729 Aug 28, 2023

I feel you bro. It's hard to leave Apple.

Google gnoogler Aug 28, 2023

You find meaning by figuring out your value system and creating a mission for your life. Have a vision. Then plan and work towards it daily. This way whatever else you do will be tied to the purpose of your existence and you will be motivated.

Qualcomm Goopgoop Aug 28, 2023

Get married and have kids, work-life balance, spending time in the great outdoors, start your own business, change the world. Most of these things are hard to do at a tech company because tech companies only value SINKs or DINKs that work all day (especially obedient/submissive from poor or oppressive countries) because they can squeeze them like Lemons for decades without any backlash from these people/communities. Find meaning in life by taking time off of work to reflect on what is important to you in life. The reason why you cant do that right now is that right now your time/thoughts are totally monopolized by your company. You need time away from work to think freely about what you want in like and what is important. It will come to you in your own and you won't need to rely on narcissitic strangers on a shady app like Blind too tell you what is important to you in life. Such a personal question can only be answered by you, when you are free to think and dream without a company monopolizing every thought you have. Good luck on your journey of enlightenment.

Airbnb 全村の希望 Aug 28, 2023

What’s prestige? I think money is prestige. Title means nothing because you can always start a company and call yourself CEO.

Amazon 58992&294 Aug 28, 2023

Still chasing

Cisco fhcxxx Aug 28, 2023

I never did because of somereasons and now feel like I have become an average engineer. On the other side, never felt in the rat race, prestige rate so mostly feel happy but less TC 😃 as compare to industry standard.

Qualtrics Tsew3g Aug 28, 2023

Grew up

ru3qd4 Aug 28, 2023

Epic L for you lol

Qualtrics Tsew3g Aug 28, 2023

Fr. I don't recommend it