PoliticsApr 13, 2018

Given the current political climate...

If there is hope, it lies in the...

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Oath QEUx00 Apr 13, 2018

If blind is any indication, hyper educated west coast techies just want a fat paycheck and build a nice comfy nest for themselves. Given a chance, most of them would pull a Peter Thiel.

Google Tesla69 Apr 13, 2018

Peter Thiel is my hero

Google DoggieBag Apr 13, 2018

He puts the balls in meatball hero

Microsoft @russia.co Apr 13, 2018

West Coast is part the problem, they live in a bubble.

FireEye |||[[]] <> Apr 13, 2018

Agreed. Lefties in big liberal bubbles would Hugely benefit from listening to a little Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and watching a little fox News. You certainly don't have to agree with much of it, but at least it will help to stave off Group Think, and give you different perspectives.

Microsoft seemsfastr Apr 13, 2018

West coast elites are more dangerous and the cause of the current political climate since they believe by virtue of their paychecks and degrees they are anointed to change and destroy various social institutions. They don't care about the side effects of doing so because they are doing it in the name of "progress".

Credit Karma Johmy Apr 13, 2018

What social institutions? Do you mean technocratic approaches to politics? Trying to push privatization of public education, things like that?

Credit Karma Johmy Apr 13, 2018

1984 reference? But yeah, striking red-state teachers has been one of the most hopeful political events of the year so far.

FireEye |||[[]] <> Apr 13, 2018

Since universities are disproportionately liberal.... Being "highly educated" often means you were just indoctrinated for 4-8 years in college. Someone who is "highly educated" certainly did not experience proportionate exposure to liberal and conservative ideas...... Unless they went out of their way to get it.