Goldman Sachs Software Engineer bonus

I have a GS associate software engineer offer. The bonus is about 60% of the base. I'm curious if it's possible to get 100% of the quoted bonus. Has anyone gotten 100%? If not, what percent did you get? This is for a front office team. #goldmanbonus #goldman #goldmansachs

Goldman Sachs DsolThe3rd Jul 6, 2020

For the first year, most likely. Second year no chance. You’ll get substantially less to “even you out” over time. You’re boss has to put you in a bonus bucket and will most likely put you at the bottom because you got paid so much initially. Also what are the exact numbers and location?

Yelp try-again OP Jul 6, 2020

NYC, base 140 bonus 95k

Goldman Sachs hqhqb m Jul 6, 2020


Fortinet ftnt Jul 6, 2020

put money aside, do you really like to work on the projects there? if yes, go for it, you will enjoy it. otherwise money still won't solve the problem.

Goldman Sachs nOXA04 Jul 7, 2020

Bonus is not guaranteed 😂

Goldman Sachs Dafne Jul 7, 2020

Bonus is not guaranteed unless its a sign on

Goldman Sachs bulason Jul 7, 2020

It depends, it's a combination of multiple factors, such as, how you perform, how your team performs, etc. I got more than what I was told in my first year and then my base and bonus has always increased yoy but I know that it's not true for everyone. Also, as I said the group matters a lot.

Goldman Sachs maae11 Jul 7, 2020

If you get exact numbers it’s most likely a whisper and guaranteed as long as you don’t royally mess up

Goldman Sachs fcuk_covid Jul 9, 2020

I got 50% off base as year end bonus for the first year(2020). Probably next year it would be peanuts 🥜

Yelp @#$_&-+() Jul 9, 2020

Oh I thought they don't do sign on bonus... Did they tell you a number for year end bonus too ?

Goldman Sachs fcuk_covid Jul 9, 2020

Just edited.Its year end bonus. BTW, I have seen some posts that bonus is prorated but it’s not in my case. Edit: Yes, They will tell you the year end bonus when are your negotiating. They will honor that number for the first year.