Newadvisor .

Google - Advisor role outside

What is Google policy on being an advisor elsewhere while working at Google ? Basically I don’t spend any time on it but act as an “advisor” .. (read investor ) No time commitment except the investment I know the obvious question would be how much I invested .. it’s very small amount (compared to what all the sharks here are capable of ) - 10k I have seen atleast one other person in a different team who is a CEO of thier own small company (no time commitment is what I have heard or no interference with Google work ) So then I am guessing advisor role should be ok Yes of course I will reach out to my manager but was curious on thoughts here , I looked up moma and don’t find anything I know in some onboarding material I have read that it’s allowed as far as it’s disclosed and does not interfere. I have seen others big shots at Google having Investor in their linked profile, a friend suggested I also do the same but I rather prefer advisor .. - 175

Amazon Selector Apr 19

It's strongly enouraged

advisor . OP Apr 19

lol 😂 I am assuming your are being sarcastic