Google Cloud sucks so bad.

Whoever is in charge of GCP customer support should be fired. I have never had any issue with customer support on AWS or Azure. No matter what they always solve my problem. While GCP frackers just give some nonsense reason to avoid solving my problem. Even though I am paying for the customer service. Today I got email saying “Your issue is out of GCP scope” for a literally GCP related issue. Azure customer support is the best of all three. GCP is a very very distant third. GCP is not going to last.

Amazon bzzosm Apr 15


Wayfair yyOq55 Apr 15


Meta randomchar Apr 15

What I’ve heard from you is basically what I’ve heard from others. There is a niche though I’ve seen where some bigger stores (think Walmart) refuse to use AWS because they don’t want to support their competitor in Amazon. That leaves the main options being Azure and GCP who can fight over price to try and win those contracts. That’s the niche I believe GCP can potentially survive in, but let’s see if that’s enough. Even if so, it’s through no merit of their own

Cruise icruise Apr 15

Had a different experience: gcp support was far better compared to azure. Azure folks are always trying to close the ticket even though engineering just asks for details / repro, which I would have done a ton of times already even on a call. May be it’s related to the product, different products have different folks for support.

ByteDance qvickypat Apr 15

LOL, I had the similar experience on my last job. AWS would ship new features to accommodate us. GCP won’t lift a nail to help us. GCP full of entitled slacks..

Workday 7:$2 Apr 15

GCP is way better for us and is much less expensive. AWS cloud wastage is too high. Customer support is good too it really depends on your account rep. Our rep is ex workday.