Tech IndustryJan 21, 2022

Google / Fitbit

What do you all think about Fitbit inside Google? Good for Fitbit?

UMTm01 Jan 21, 2022

Are you asking if the acquisition was a good move? Still yet to be seen, but Google has a long history and badly handling hardware acquisitions. I can’t think of a genuinely successful hw acquisition. Fitbit made sense to quickly get subscribers and a team to build wearable products. What’s questionable is the capability of that team. Fitbit had been tanking for a while compared to the other major players, even though they had first mover advantage for years. The hardware regularly gets meh ratings. There doesn’t seem to be stickiness on the subscription side. We’ll see what happens when Google releases their own line of watches.

ServiceNow Prеstige Jan 21, 2022

I hope G won’t ruin FitBit, I like their sleep tracking.