Google eng bar is quite high

Hate to break it to you but pass rate for hiring committee is less than 30% And hiring committee happens AFTER team match. So for those who are waiting to be matched, you DIDNT pass it yet.

69 Participants
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Google tttaa OP Apr 29

Jk, sorry for the shitty hiring process

Amazon VbMc71 Apr 29

fwiw I think Google probably had good intentions with their hiring process but it wasn’t designed for the scale it took in the software industry.

Microsoft ☀️🔵eclpse Apr 30

Wait, are you jk / trolling, or serious? HC approval happens after team match?

Capital One desuWzRite Apr 29


ByteDance gaKK48 Apr 29

I have never even gotten pass the resume screening stage fml

Microsoft viaq Apr 29

Why hiring committee after team match? Waste of time for everyone. Recruiter told me no hiring committee now

Microsoft WHye63 Apr 30

New process

Bloomberg whomstdvel Apr 29

Is it actually 30% lol. Trying to match with teams now before HC, getting a couple of calls

LinkedIn I am a Cat Apr 29

Why do people even bother? Google is not what it used to be.

Amazon htkk96 Apr 29

Name a few "worth" companies.

Google Push Proto Apr 29

Says LinkedIn lol

Amazon lakalakka Apr 29

I cleared. so it must be above stratosphere!

Meta Bonabormbo Apr 29

Did it change recently? I passed the HC a few years ago and the team match was started in parallel. I remember the recruiter told me that it helps to get the positive HC decision if some team gets interested in the candidate, but it was not strictly required. I got a positive decision from HC even though I had not found the team yet. Did not accept the offer though. Facebook was more generous.

VMware tqkznw Apr 30

A bitter truth you will never hear is that Recruiters are often dumb and they don't collaborate well with HM, And shit doesn't end here, HM then asks the best guys from their team to take interview who doesn't even know how to judge a candidate because they follow just leetcode questions for their evaluation criteria, they don't even ask real time system design/DSA problems

Microsoft WHye63 Apr 30

I have passed hiring committee and waiting to get team matched. My team lost headcount and the verbal offer was retracted.