Google interview

Had a Google recruiter reached out. She said she had a dozen odd technical questions she wanted to ask during an initial phone interview with her and she will email these during the phone call. Does anyone know what to expect?

Facebook Merpaderp Jan 17, 2018

Will be general black and white type questions

Amazon Tesl@ Jan 17, 2018

OP, which level are you interviewing for ?

Duck Creek G1441 Jan 17, 2018

You get to prepare? Lol the phone screen ain’t hard, easy stuff like return Kth item from end in linked list, reverse a string in place etc

Microsoft -gt Jan 17, 2018

It’s a basic questionnaire, have you ever worked on x, have you ever contributed to open source projects, how many lines of code have you written in the last x days. Well the questions I got were all like this.

J.Crew Cls1878 Feb 22, 2018

For L3, questions with one word (or max one line) answers. Ex: what’s the avg and worst case complexity of Quick Sort. Arrange them according to speed: ram, context switching, accessing HDD. 3 ways to speed up SQL queries. What is left outer join? So basically stuff that’s not ‘up for debate’. Something which a non-technical person (recruiter) can look at their prepared answer sheet and mark you as right or wrong. In my experience this didn’t seem to make a difference, unless you got all of them wrong, in which case it’s highly likely that the candidate would have zero chance at the consequent and much harder interviews.