CompensationMar 24, 2019

Google location pay difference

How does your pay change at Google if you move from a cheaper to more expensive city? For example Pittsburgh to New York or Cambridge to SF?

Google mWGk82 Mar 24, 2019

It goes up. :). I haven't done it yet, but my understanding is that it's not dissimilar from new hire process and comp calculations, just without competing offers being taken into account.

Google Uvor31 Mar 24, 2019

It goes up. By how much no idea but your base pay will go down or up as you nice between offices.

Google 1234-/:;( Mar 24, 2019

Comp for each location is determined based on the market. Cost of living isnt a factor

Google sedih Mar 24, 2019

Base adjusts per MRP. Good luck getting RSU grants adjusted if you are changing between offices with tax differences...

Google zmn54ty Mar 24, 2019

The other thing to note about this is that, from the docs I read, you don't get to know the exact numbers until you are most of the way through the transfer process, i.e. you are approved to transfer on the hiring team and so forth. I naively assumed I would be able to do an online calculator before starting the process of looking at a new city. But they don't really have it set up that way as far as I can tell.

Google 1234-/:;( Mar 24, 2019

I heard its super case by case basis since the pay bands at higher levels are larger and depending on your work etc they may offer you more/less for relo

Google xoogle Mar 24, 2019

Ask for the salary range at your level as an external California applicant, they are legally required to tell you