Google stock on fire! Thank you Sundar!

Let's keep it going!!! #SundarLife

Amazon pwgysj1 Jan 25

So... More layoffs?

Google YqWn23 OP Jan 25

Probably. Just depressed

Google guangdong Jan 25

Duh… I have seen this movie before… All time highs, then earnings, then a 10%+ drop. It keeps happening… I hope it doesn’t happen again

Google YqWn23 OP Jan 25

Rated R this time

Amazon projectR1 Jan 25

Time to sell at all time high.

Google uFpR63 Jan 25

IBM stock is also up

Google NoHaego Jan 25

Good for the stock but I can’t recognize the place badging into the office.

Microsoft satya@lol Jan 25

Ibm > googl

Google healthybro Jan 25

Nancy Pelosy sold Google stock so I think it's time to GTFO

Amazon projectR1 Jan 25

She sold it in Dec. she missed out on those gains

Google healthybro Jan 25

True but she might save herself from future losses. Guess we'll have to wait and see?

Amazon LLhm72 Jan 25

The guy who needs to get laid off is him worst ceo Google has had. Runs the company like an idiot