Tech IndustryDec 8, 2023

Google’s best Gemini demo was faked

“So although it might kind of do the things Google shows in the video, it didn’t, and maybe couldn’t, do them live and in the way they implied. In actuality, it was a series of carefully tuned text prompts with still images, clearly selected and shortened to misrepresent what the interaction is actually like.” Why Google? Loosing people’s trust is worst than having a mediocre product announcement.

Google’s best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch
Google’s best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch
Google RwMb15 Dec 8, 2023

Address this question to the people who made the decision and marketing team. I am as perplexed as you.

Brex WDst36 Dec 8, 2023

It’s kinda obvious. looks too good to be true. Very optimized demo

Zscaler VRamaswamy Dec 8, 2023

I wanted to believe it

Apple welltodo Dec 8, 2023

Someone posted this yesterday and they got hate “butt hurt” comments, so all the best. I feel Google is all over the place and need better leadership.

Microsoft ;| Dec 8, 2023

Fire Sundar

Intel Waite2 Dec 13, 2023

Why? To hire Sundari?

Meta Ultra_PM Dec 8, 2023

Ughh, this makes me distrust Google even more. Just when I started to think they were “back” Scum company

Bloomberg 🎤🌸berg Dec 8, 2023

I’ve fed your response to my internal AI and it has determined that you are a woman

Oracle wmeB00 Dec 8, 2023

Don’t tell me even the video was generated by the Gemini.

Google perma🥜 Dec 8, 2023

Gemini sprouted arms and legs and is, in fact, interacting with itself.

Google lNWi84 Dec 8, 2023

you mean jacking off?

Amazon wmdnfjeb Dec 8, 2023

Lmao this is ML research in a nutshell. Its always cherry picking the best results to make your paper get accepted. I am confused why this is a big deal because literally everyone does this.

Microsoft kgijsnx OP Dec 8, 2023

This is not research or future vision. This was a big product announcement. The person in the video said this is their favorite interactions with Gemini, while they weren’t interacting with it in that way at all. Customers expect to have something like this to play with. It has big implications for stock price.

Google perma🥜 Dec 8, 2023

It’s hype and capitalism: A topic Microsoft is very familiar with.

Verifone PIN Pad Dec 8, 2023

Who cares? How long before it gets cancelled anyway?

Amazon TuringCo Dec 8, 2023

You mean it can’t take restaurant orders 😲😮😲!!?