Job OpeningsApr 17, 2020

Graduating student! Advice? Thoughts?

Hi! I’m a college senior looking to move to SF after school, but am struggling on the job front and even more so with all that’s happening. Some background on me: I studied Interactive Media and Entrepreneurship at school. I’ve had lots of internships (marketing-related; product development; product management), do a lot of freelance design work, and have run design sprints & done consulting workshops with companies near my school (midwest area). A lot of people have been asking me what I want to do, expecting me to give a job title. I struggle with that because I’m not necessarily looking for a title but more a company with an innovative mindset and a role that allows me to solve complex problems, regardless of what they’re specifically about. Would anyone be able to provide advice for me as I continue through this process? I’ve been reaching out to my network a lot, and am trying to just get as many apps out as possible (at some point, it’s a numbers game). But any ideas would be valuable! Also, if you work at a company you think values the same things I do and is actively hiring, please reach out! TL;DR: college student, has experience but no luck securing anything yet, happy to get any advice/thoughts! #hiring #jobopening #sanfrancisco #entrepreneurship #advice

Salesforce сorona Apr 17, 2020

SF is miserable if you don't make at least 200k.

comet17 OP Apr 17, 2020

I definitely understand that perspective. I lived & worked there for a semester during school, though, and really loved it and miss it a lot!

Goldman Sachs swema Apr 17, 2020

You where you find a job, do not go to SF if you do not already have a job.

comet17 OP Apr 17, 2020

This is definitely true! I wouldn’t feel comfortable moving out there without a job secured, like you said. I’ve got about a month left of school and my friends who are moving there (who I’m planning to live with) don’t have start dates until September, so I’ve got some time before I’m hoping to move. The plan for now is just to keep plugging on applications, I guess!

Goldman Sachs swema Apr 17, 2020

Best of luck! You have a great attitude

DbEb11 Apr 17, 2020

I recently moved to sf from east coast after my masters in December without a job. Slept on couch at friends place while looking for jobs.0 yoe (1 intern), close to 2000 job applications and by the way I drove all the way to sf ~2700 miles. Bc in worst case, planned to sleep in a car. I'm on f1 visa. So dont lose the hope. Edit: dont listen to the people who say you cant live there if you cannot make 200k. I'm doing with 102k base, no other bonuses or stocks. But yeah you have to control and manage your expenses. I drive a used car, but the struggle you go through is worth it.

Goldman Sachs swema Apr 17, 2020

Did you get a job?

DbEb11 Apr 17, 2020

Yes as a full stack developer in February

Townsquare Media outofjob Apr 17, 2020

Ok here we go: 0. You don’t need to be in SF to land a job 1. Everyone is hunkered down because of covid do something with your time 2. When I say do something I mean come up with an idea there are opportunities galore with the current situation 3. Be your own boss then use that to show future employee how entrepreneurial you were Sell KN95 mask, donate some face shields if You have 3D printer, do something.

comet17 OP Apr 17, 2020

Sound advice! I’ll work more on maximizing my time as much as I can during all of this