Guaranteed bonuses when moving laterally to a competitor?

Have an offer from a bulge bracket competitor. Negotiated a total comp number but offer letter only has base salary in it. Bank is saying bonus is “in the system” and will be met on a handshake agreement basis. They also told me no banks will write the bonus number as a guarantee in the offer letter. Any experience with this? Am I being screwed over? EDIT: what happens if you move mid year ie 3-4 months before the bonus payout? Pro rated or do you get paid the negotiated amount?

HSBC uGzI30 Jul 6, 2021

Pretty sure they can never give you a written "guarantee" explicitly for legal reasons. The offer letter can reference a figure but not sure how common that is though.

Boeing TempleOS Jul 7, 2021

But they can, and do, include "target bonuses" in offer letters.

MUFG RmmY52 OP Jul 7, 2021

What happens if you move mid year ie 3-4 months before the bonus payout? Pro rated or do you get paid the negotiated amount?

Goldman Sachs fin_engg Jul 6, 2021

I also got the same response, a handshake agreement for bonus, and hr said there is no way they would go back on that promised bonus. I think you should trust their words.

MUFG RmmY52 OP Jul 7, 2021

That was at GS?

NVIDIA Indiaboy Jul 7, 2021

There is Japan bank MUFG in US?

stanree Jul 6, 2021

Not uncommon. I wouldn’t stress about it.

JPMorgan Chase bz217 Jul 7, 2021

Same at JP when I joined. Just got the “bonus included” in writing via email from HR but not a number.

MUFG RmmY52 OP Jul 7, 2021

Can you tell me what did the email say in it? I can perhaps try to get something along similar lines from HR

JPMorgan Chase batma-n Jul 7, 2021

No bank would guarantee a bonus. Also TC or GTFO

Barclays PLC altother21 Jul 7, 2021

Some banks will give you guaranteed bonus (mine has it). I’ve also had it where it was verbal and target. But I wouldn’t worry about it.

MUFG RmmY52 OP Jul 7, 2021

what happens if you move mid year ie 3-4 months before the bonus payout? Pro rated or do you get paid the negotiated amount?

Barclays PLC altother21 Jul 7, 2021

You won’t get paid out. It has to be in the bank account for you to actually have it. Most contracts stipulate that if you leave before X date, you forfeit bonus. Unless you somehow get a contract that says you earn prorata bonus, but I’ve never seen that

Bloomberg TxER71 Jul 7, 2021

It's mostly prorated for the first yr. Infact some banks also don't pay you bonuses if you join in the last quarter, so I would ask clearly about that.

Barclays PLC vUbm86 Jul 8, 2021

I just accepted an offer @ RBC and only the base was in contract, pushed for soft TC hard but no verbal agreement of bonus either… but more of a “nod in agreement”