Tech IndustryJan 18, 2020

HELP! Google interviewing process makes me anxious.

My application got past the Google resume screening. I'm on my second phone interview because my interviewer feels my first one wasn't strong enough because I took a long time to solve the question. I feel super lucky to even get this far and get a second chance to prove myself, but I feel drained and anxious. I can handle Leetcode easy mostly fine, but I stumble on medium and hard. That stumbling makes my motivation drop, and I feel this immense pressure. I don't want to waste my recruiters and interviewers time by failing, and especially since I got this far. How can I better approach Leetcode and the more technical parts? I get that most advice is grinding Leetcode but I keep stumbling. My communication and soft skills are pretty solid; its the technical parts that make me stumble badly. #leetcode #googleinterview

Microsoft ridificici Jan 18, 2020

I sense fear of failure here. It's okay to fail as long as you give your 100%. Uncomfortable Truth: You have to be comfortable with at least Lc Medium and lower Hards too. It is the bar set by them. Answer yourself one question: What is the best I can do with given opportunity? Success or failure aren't in your hands. Give yourself the satisfaction of a tough fight. All the best!

namele55 OP Jan 18, 2020

Best pep talk ever! Thanks a bunch!

WeWork lalla Jan 18, 2020

Sorry but you gotta be good with LC mediums. I suggest you moving the phone screen a couple of months ahead.

namele55 OP Jan 18, 2020

I've already moved a few times, to the point that there are no more vacancies for my country. Im still in the running because i indicated interest in working abroad. But thanks for the real advice!

Google qOFx81 Jan 18, 2020

It's all luck, if you'll get jerk-interviewers who seek self-affirmation you'll fail in any case. My advice, if you pass phone screen - do not interview in MTV/SVL, ask for SFO interview. I got into Google with 30 solved LC most of which I just looked how to solve on discussion tab.

namele55 OP Jan 18, 2020

Phew somehow this is relieving for me. I completed interviewcake full course and did a bunch of easy questions on hackerrank. Ive attempted 44 mixed questions on LC but impostor syndrome and not being able to shate my worries is racking up my anxiety. Thanks for sharing your story!

SAP TBAu78 Jan 18, 2020

Wouldn’t that be a little weird to request since the sf office and Mountain View office aren’t that far away.

Expedia Group banker007 Jan 18, 2020

Are you guys able to comfortably solve mediums in 20-25 mins

Google qOFx81 Jan 18, 2020

I am not

Expedia Group banker007 Jan 18, 2020

So how to get past this interview, without solving and coding the problem there is no chance

Morgan Stanley fruubcdr56 Jan 18, 2020


Toyota Com Truise Jan 23, 2020

EDIT: Looks like I’m a day late here, but oh well, this still applies. “I don't want to waste my recruiters and interviewers time by failing, and especially since I got this far.” It’s awesome for a candidate to be thinking courteously like this (especially in an industry where courtesy is uncommon), but you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. Do you seriously think your interviewers would bat an eye at wasting your time? One of the biggest elements in interviewing is luck (unless you’re a big brain who aces every interview- most of us are not), and at some point, you need to learn to throw yourself in to die and hope for the best. My advice is this: - Practice LeetCode medium and hard to a reasonable extent, but don’t stress about not getting all of them. - Acknowledge that a large portion of your interview is luck. - Focus on the things that you CAN control, like getting a good sleep for the nights leading up to your interview, getting exercise the morning before your interview, and minimizing your stress by doing things that you enjoy. Nobody wants to hire someone who is a nervous wreck during their interview process. Try not to let it get under your skin. Good luck!

allsleek Jan 23, 2020

Thanks so much for this. Ngl I accepted the job offer with the other company (that I will not divulge in case there are recruiters lurking her that can match my story) while interviewing with Google. At some point, I just burnt out and was very tempted to just email the google recruiter to cancel the interview, but I figured I would just push through I WAS a nervous wreck the night before the interview; didn't get enough sleep I'm afraid, coupled with lack of motivation to grind LC (or laziness? I can't tell). I cant exactly complain/rant to anyone - my friends are "whoaaaaa" while I kept my interview with google a secret from my family. Ugh I wish I reached the same advice as the one you just gave much sooner. I guess for now Ill sort of process leetcode a little more, while preparing myself for a negative feedback. Thanks a bunch - I bet this advice will be great for the next person in my situation!