Tech IndustryJul 11, 2019

HR 1044 - Asking for some empathy

I understand many people want to oppose it. But why can’t they let us (Indians or Chinese) live slightly better too? We are like any other immigrants who come here , spend money for graduate education taking huge loans, get jobs and help the economy grow. When other countries have issues like travel ban, we have a lot of empathy and we donate money (I donated to ACLU) to fight against those issues. Lot of GCs get unused every year. Why can’t we live little too? We also have entrepreneurial dreams. We also want to work for that early stage startup and help create lot more jobs. We can’t do that now because we can’t lose job and lose visa and lose the life we built here just because we believe in a startup. Our spouses can’t work (when H4EAD gets revoked) if they are not interested in tech or any other speciality occupation. I know spouses who are interested in being teachers for special education. They can’t ever do that. Our kids can’t live here after their 18 and they have to go back to India and they literally don’t have any friends there. They built their life here. Why can’t we live a little too? It’s going to be only first come first serve . It’s definitely not going to bring any new Indians all of a sudden. We are qualified as you all are. We also want a normal life like you all. This uncertainty just kills. It’s so cruel to wait for 150 years to get GC. We won’t be alive by then. Please let us live too. We also want to work on a early stage startup we believe in, fail miserably or succeed and have that experience before we die. We want our spouses to choose the career they want instead of being forced to stay in home .

Amazon Amz Jul 11, 2019

Beautifully written. Trolls will run this over so don’t bother spending time on this in future.

DocuSign Tinderloin Jul 12, 2019

19 beautiful paragraphs that will make you say “Fuck having laws and borders and shit”

Amazon Amz Jul 12, 2019

Nowhere OP mentions about borders and shit or fucking laws. You are so stupid. Does Docusign hires such shitheads like you?

Microsoft hkbest Jul 11, 2019

People are naturally selfish and every group fights for their own interest regardless if it's right or wrong. People don't want to have a 10 year wait line so that another group of people can reduce their waitline from 50 years to 10 years

Amazon 03mega Jul 11, 2019

But where is this number of 10 years coming from? I don't think it's accurate.

Microsoft uuuuuuu Jul 31, 2019

There are people who will go any distance to mislead. 10 years is a speculated number.

Microsoft Tattle Jul 11, 2019

Dude, don't beg. Cmon

Amazon 03mega Jul 11, 2019

He/She is asking for empathy, not begging.

Broadcom Ltd. whtindname Jul 11, 2019

i understand it. help yourself by putting more efforts on how to pass the bill. If you don’t help yourself no one else.

Flagged by the community.
Apple Marijuana Jul 11, 2019

You get flagged because you're racist. You believe Indians and their children should live in uncertainty and indentured servitude for the rest of their lives. If that's not racism, what is it?

Amazon pnendk Jul 11, 2019

Didn’t they choose to live this way? It won’t happen if only high quality Indians come to US. India is overpopulated and US finally becomes the outlet of its population problems and Indians’ ultimate paradise. A few of my Indian friends should really get GC today, but def not all.

Microsoft infinite99 Jul 11, 2019

I am an Indian and this is straight up begging. I don't approve of this. Also I work in the US. Gonna make some moolah and head back. No matter what bill is passed I don't ever expect to get fair rights here and I don't blame anyone either. It is what it is. Deal with it.

Google plan seen Jul 11, 2019

+1. This Zulily sounds desperate.

Oracle TLead Jul 11, 2019

+1. We came here accepting that even talented and smart folks like us that went to top schools would have to go through this. There’s no point in begging or feeling empathized about it.

Zulily lapse OP Jul 11, 2019

I am not desperate. I just wanted to make people understand. I see lot of false claims around it. There are many posts that say it’s going to bring new Indians and replace American tech workers. I thought I would share a post which talks about the other side as well. Unless it’s discussed, we can’t expect others to know

Microsoft infinite99 Jul 11, 2019

Buddy everything comes with a price. You escaped the harsh life in India and this is the price you have to pay. If there was no cost every Indian who could would have moved here. There is no such thing as free lunch :)

Microsoft infinite99 Jul 11, 2019

And yes I would also appreciate all the niceties that you are asking for. But it's just wishful thinking you know.

Apple rich boi Jul 11, 2019

OP you're trying too hard to be a nice guy. The bill will pass if/when it is going to pass, till then begging for sympathy in exchange for those ACLU donations won't help. Try to make money while you can, and move to India or somewhere else. As for the Iranian losers opposing this bill, Indians will be having the last laugh when you're banned from traveling to the US, and when Trump and Bolton bomb your country to the stone age.

Microsoft hkbest Jul 11, 2019

Iranian losers? Lol. Why you think they are Iranian?

Microsoft gdsdfss Jul 11, 2019

Do not bundle Chinese. I am not Chinese but almost none of them have complained about GC queue. That should be clear if you have a brain or a single Chinese colleague. Get out of your bubble and talk to people from other countries. Otherwise, you will be another one who favors people from the same country and hire/promote them. Being open is not as easy. If you want others to be open, you should be, too. It shows lack of empathy in you. Removing quota will affect all the other nations in hugely negative way. People from other countries come here and apply for GC for nursing, accounting, sports and various areas. If quota is abolished, all of these people will suffer the same fate. There will be a real shortage in those areas except software. It also means engineering will likely get fired easier and salary will go down. Market will be flooded with software engineers who applied for GC from consulting companies. Supply will drastically increase and it will impact the consultants as well.

Amazon Amz Jul 11, 2019

Dude, HR1044 clears Chinese backlog for EB5. You won’t hear Chinese because they are busy minting money 10x more than your TC. They are real face behind the lobbying efforts and primary backers of Open your eyes, don’t be dumb.

Zulily lapse OP Jul 11, 2019

I have Chinese colleagues. They get benefited in EB5 For your comment on having no brain - I have brain. Everyone has brain and no brain is superior or inferior than others’. I recommend the book Mindset which Microsoft founder recommended too I have colleagues from Iran/China and many countries. They did not seem to know the full picture. They were empathetic when I told about my situation. So I thought I would share it here too. Consulting companies - I am not here to advocate for them. They don’t offer many GCs to everyone and the current scrutiny could be made harder to make sure the consulting companies don’t cause any issues with fraud activities. But that’s the next step towards Merit based. How would the country cap removal cause flooding the market with software engineers? Same people who are already on H1B and who are waiting for years now are going to be benefited. It doesn’t bring any new people.

Uber mH7bSe Jul 11, 2019

You donate to ACLU? You lost my empathy.