Misc.Jan 10, 2020
Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 10, 2020

You should first ask yourself what's wrong with your hair currently

Uber HLXq22 OP Jan 10, 2020

That’s not the point. We as a society has accepted whatever shit cosmetics Industry has thrown as us. Will be ok if food products don’t list all the ingredients?

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 10, 2020

True. Gov needs to fix this shit. Otherwise all the rainbow haird feminists will die out because of cancer. We need them in society.

Google fuall🥵 Jan 10, 2020

This is fake news, watch healthcare triage episode about this

Uber HLXq22 OP Jan 10, 2020

breast cancer and cancer epidemic is general is also fake news ?

Amazon Vfrq15 Jan 10, 2020

Since when do we consider news from the NIH fake??? Especially when your suggestion is to watch a YouTube video from a crown funded YouTube channel.

Google fuall🥵 Jan 10, 2020

Rather than coming at me, why don’t you read up a bit. The study is observational, does not prove anything, only talks about relative risks. You have way worse carcinogens roaming around you. Not saying study is worthless, but most people don’t know how to consume these studies.

Uber HLXq22 OP Jan 10, 2020

Are you saying hair dyes and straighteners are safe ?