
Have you been assigned a task at end of day?

1.Have you been assigned a task at end of day like 6.30 pm and been asked to finish it ASAP? 2.Have you been called or pinged at MS Teams or Slack at 12 am to finish an issue by early morning of next day? 3.Have you been asked status updates at regular times? 1 status per 2 hours 4.Have you been given unreasonable deadlines and did it become usual? 5.Have you been given no estimate tasks so they can ask you to finish it anytime? 6.Have you been given no onboarding on what product solves, no documentation, no prior knowledge on how a different project works and been asked to complete a task in it within 2 days? I really want to know all of this happened to you? I mainly ask this because this all happened to me and made me quit. Will this happen in a new job? If yes, how will you handle them? Also, created a poll if this is toxic or not? I am in an Indian startup. Is this toxic environment?

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SAP dollarbaby Jul 16, 2021

Which company op?

micros!oft OP Jul 16, 2021

A startup in Chennai