Tech IndustryMay 3, 2022

Having a hard time finding another job that is fun. Suggestions?

Note:I am not trying to shit on anyone's job. It's my very subjective opinion on what excites ME. For all the crap that meta gets and all that shit we get about how we make the world worse and shit. The reason I work for Meta is because they have Oculus or RL or whatever they may want to call it later. The products are exciting and future looking. Plenty of teams working on hard problems with no clear solution. Some things may never work but it's fun to try . I really can't think of myself doing some infra work, that's boring; nor I can see tweaking some UI of some popular product. I also can't see me working on some software people use for work or internal tools. Super important stuff for sure, but there is nothing cool or exciting (for me) about it. All of the hedge funds. People working to make the rich richer. Or crypto that seems like a massive scam. Even products that are cool, but now established. Working on the next iteration of iOS or Android. I need something that is both cool for consumers and is technically very challenging. Otherwise I get demotivated, and the ADHD takes over. I am thankful that at Meta I have been able to get both. However with the stock drop and cliff, I am earning a lot less than before and a heck of a lot less of what I could be earning. I like games, I like new devices / gadgets, new technology. What are companies and teams (or startups) that have this kind of work and can offer me a competitive salary? I am not afraid to learn new stuff. In case it makes a difference I am E6. TC: 600K in W2. Current TC I don't really want to crunch the numbers somewhere under 500k

mtp7lsq8 May 3, 2022

Why leave meta then?

Meta pichicuaz OP May 3, 2022

I wrote that in my long silly rant. My TC has gone down more than 35%

Amazon TruthSlaya May 3, 2022

Lol you are pissed at the TC drop, best of luck finding something without paper money and super interesting for 500k. Try finding local level exciting jobs but they come with a pay cut of all paper money.

Alteryx mJYv81 May 3, 2022

What about Apple who is also working on VR/AR? Or Google. Lots of products there and I’m sure lots of interesting challenges

Alteryx mJYv81 May 3, 2022

Also Snap that is moving strong into VR/AR and the hardware realm with Spectacles and the selfie drone

Meta pichicuaz OP May 3, 2022

Yeah apple and snap are absolutely on my radar. Looking for more options in case I get rejected or lowballed

oHBS47 May 3, 2022

Joining meta soon. What is that you don't like?

Meta pichicuaz OP May 3, 2022

Oh. If you are new it's all good. My TC dropped because of stock drop. If I could leave and rejoin tomorrow as new I would just do that

Roblox Hxjei67 May 4, 2022

Game companies usually have great interesting problems, probably more than any other field. Roblox has really interesting problems - spatial voice, face mapping, in game widgets, rendering, etc - all really hard problems and there's tons more. Even with stock drop, since you're coming from FB they'd compensate you. Not sure if stock is going any lower though 😅, but now might be good time. If you're E6, you could maybe break Technical Director range - TC ~ $1,000,000 or principal which is still $800,000 Other game companies that don't work you to death but still are very cool - Unreal and Unity

Meta pichicuaz OP May 4, 2022

I have talked to Roblox but I wasn't presented with very interesting teams. Can you tell me more of those teams you mention? Do they have openings? That sounds absolutely worth considering. Thanks