
Help a Recent Graduate

Hello People of Blind, I am working on securing my first real job and could use help breaking into an Associate Product Management role A bit about me: I have a lot of entrepreneurial experience 6-8 years (I have been starting new businesses since I was 14). My last business had been profitable for 4-years, though nothing crazy profitable. 2.5 years ago, I wanted a change of pace from running my solo ventures and the unsteady income. I decided to reinvent myself and went to college. I just graduated from a highly respected college in NC with a degree in Economics and Entrepreneurship. I am now looking to get involved with a tech company (hopefully doing some form of AI/ML work) as a PM/APM. I have been applying all over the place to APM roles but have been struggling to get my foot in the door. Well, I am waiting for companies to respond. I have been working on my Python Skills (Codecademy, Coursera), reading PM interview guides, and networking on LinkedIn. I also have been working on a project to make a virtual assistant named Brandy from IBM Watson Assistant. Currently, Brandy can talk about my resume, and the few recruiters I can get her in front of seem to love it. My questions boil down to these three: What else should I be doing to make myself more appealing? Any suggestions on companies I should be applying to? More long term, how should I be developing my technical skills? As a side note, I was rejected by a company called midsize startup on Monday after my second interview before a paid project. The rejection was super disappointing because it was everything I wanted in a company (startup, AI, APM role). Should I leave it, or is there anything I can do to win them back over? #productmanager #product #pm #mentorship

Amazon yambo Sep 29, 2021

PM? We have pretty similar backgrounds, would love to chat

junior dev Sep 29, 2021

I hate managers

CaptRawrs OP Sep 29, 2021

What about managers do you hate? And what constructive feedback would help you hate them less?

junior dev Sep 29, 2021

They shouldn't tell me what to do