Tech IndustryApr 15, 2020

Hire someone to professionally review and clean up LinkedIn profile

Has anyone ever paid for this before? Is there a particular company or individual you would recommend? I'm assuming someone with experience in tech recruitment would be best since they have seen the other side of the pipeline. #career #tech #LinkedIn #review #careeradvice TC 300k

Timehop Faceboоk Apr 15, 2020

All you need is to grind leetcode and work a top notch company. I have a fake LinkedIn account with only 1 company in the work history section, zero description, zero skills specified and recruiters from the highest paying companies spam this account like crazy. They follow up, they send inmails, emails. I politely tell them all thank you im not interested.

Publicis Sapient 2004dis Apr 16, 2020

Curious, what do you get out of it?

Facebook vbUM88 Apr 15, 2020

There are lot of professionals on freelance websites who will rewrite your cv/linkedin profile for an affordable amount. I did it long back and found it useful.

Body By Vi techster Apr 15, 2020

You can get quotes from resume writers in LinkedIn pro finder, they offer to cleanup your LI and resume and charge 150 to 400 bucks. I got multiple quotes but didn’t actually hire one to work.