Hiring Manager Ghost after final interview

Hello Blinders, I just finished my interview for a sales role at Intel, the hiring Manger said he will get back to me the following week. It's been 2 weeks, the hiring manager is not responding to emails nor calls again. What could be the reason? Is this normal process for Intels sales team. Should I just move on and forget about the role? TC: 0

GitHub BJ BJ Mar 28

Move on.

Applenewt Mar 28

This happens with other companies too and it sucks. Look elsewhere.

FINRA gAai60 Mar 28



Lucid Motors baycoaster Mar 28

Move on

^_^ Mar 28

move on. this is the normal process everywhere

Intel imthepower Mar 29

You are directly calling HM ? Why ? You realize that last two weeks have been spring break week ?

You asked me to call you if I didn't hear from you. Rashed please make the decision, let me move on. hahahahahaha